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The Street Smart MBA

"Business schools have long enticed students into their MBA programs with the promise that, after a short stint spent studying the ins and outs of the business world, they will be able to step right into the upper echelons of management or launch a business that soon has them flitting about the world in a private jet. ""Sounds great,"" you say. ""Sign me up!"" Not so fast. Sure, business school might prove a necessary prerequisite for those aiming to gain employment at a large financial institution, land a job with a consultancy, or accelerate their journey to managerial superstardom at a Fortune 500 company. But for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners alike, the truth of the matter is this: The ability to get a business off the ground and running successfully is not the byproduct of toiling away in a classroom, learning esoteric subjects like the economics of competition. Rather, all it takes to start and run a truly successful business are a few sensible, time-proven techniques that have been needlessly forgotten in business innovators' haste to reinvent the wheel. That's why, in The Street Smart MBA, Steve Babitsky and James J. Mangraviti, Jr., encourage you to ditch class—or, better yet, ditch b-school altogether—and go back to the business basics with a series of ten simple steps that will do more for your company than the letters M, B, and A ever will. There are no forays into game theory in The Street Smart MBA, no parables, and no intellectualizing. Instead what you will find is a practical,  easy-to-understand, step-by-step business strategy guide that encourages you to revive a handful of basic yet essential practices that many business owners have lost sight of, such as:  Building a brand that is so synonymous with quality that you'll be able to maximize your company's profits in no time; Turning your company's products and services into profits by finding your company a niche, working with deadlines, and honoring your company's image above all else; Dealing with customer complaints head-on so that you can turn gripes into opportunities; Doing favors, mentoring, and sending gifts, in order to grow your business network; And much more. With its emphasis on ten simple yet time-honored principles that lead to business success, The Street Smart MBA is all the business education that entrepreneurs with great ideas and business owners with the drive to succeed will ever need. "

The Ten-Day MBA 3rd Ed.

Find The Ten-Day MBA 3rd Ed. by Steven A. Silbiger in Paperback and other formats in Business & Economics > Education.

Dante's Purgatory -Catholic Courses

We know what happens in Hell...But What about Purgatory? That strange and often misunderstood place be earth and Is there a place where we are cleansed from the stains of our sin? Details Dante's  Inferno  revealed some titillating details about the punishments inflicted on sinners - but in a way, we already knew what happens to people in Hell. What we don't know is what happens to people who end up in Purgatory. In this second part of  The Divine Comedy , Dante probes the mysteries of that strange and often misunderstood place between earth and Heaven. Climb the Mount Purgatory is a place to work through - no one gets stuck there forever. The souls in Dante's Purgatory must climb up seven terraces on Mount Purgatory before they can reach Heaven. On these terraces, Dante and Virgil find:  The prideful who are forced into humility by heavy loads of stones on their backs  The envious whose eyes are sewn shut to prevent them from seeing the goods of others The wrathful climb through choking smoke which represents the blinding nature of anger The slothful engage in ceaseless activity to overcome their former laziness The covetous who must lie face down on the ground for their attachment to earthly goods The gluttonous must starve in sight of unreachable fruit hanging from trees above them The lustful are purified by running through a wall of flame which represents God's pure love Along the way, they are cleansed from the stains of sin by punishments which are like, and very unlike, those suffered by the sinners in Hell. Here, the suffering souls glorify God and rejoice in their suffering because they know it prepares them for the eternal bliss of Heaven. A Real Place Virgil and Dante discover the astonishing spiritual reality of Purgatory as they climb through the terraces on Mount Purgatory. Dante created a poetic vision which might be the best imaginative representation of Purgatory ever written. While his poem might not reflect the actual nature of Purgatory, his insights can help us understand it better. Your Expert Guide A celebrated translator and teacher of Dante, Professor Esolen interprets and describes the rich theological insights discovered by Dante on his journey up the mountain. Join Dante, Virgil, and Professor Esolen to continue the journey begun in the Inferno which will culminate in the ineffable beauty of Paradise.   Dimensions & Specifications 8 Lectures (Approx. 30 minutes in length) DVD Also available in CD #5003365  

Dante's Inferno - Catholic Courses

Dante's  Divine Comedy  can rightly be called the greatest poem ever written, praised through the ages by a pantheon of writers and scholars. Romantic poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850) referred to Dante's crowned "visionary brow." Irish novelist James Joyce (1882-1941) said "Dante is my spiritual food!" Pope Benedict XV (1854-1922) called Dante "the most eloquent singer of the Christian idea." Even the 20th century literary critic T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) famously wrote that "Shakespeare and Dante divide the world between them, there is no third." Yet today this great poem is often dismissed by modern scholars for its unabashed Catholic theology and deep spiritual vision. Shrug off these skeptical scholars disdain and discover for yourself the true grandeur, Christian nature, and sheer artistry of Dante's  Divine Comedy . Just as Dante needed Virgil to lead him through the bowels of Hell, you also need a true and trustworthy guide. Dr. Anthony Esolen serves as your Virgil in this course on the  Inferno , the first canticle of the  Divine Comedy . An expert who has taught Dante to college students for more than twenty years, Professor Esolen is also the preeminent modern translator of the entire  Divine Comedy  from the original Italian. With Professor Esolen you will enter the terrible gates of Hell and progress level by infernal level to its diabolical depths. Professor Esolen places a special emphasis on the drama of the poem, leading you through each canto in succession. Along the way, he will highlight Dante's astonishing human and theological insights and discuss the destiny of man, how to find our way out of the wilderness of sin, the relationship between love and knowledge, and the integral unity between body and soul. Professor Esolen will more than satisfy your curiosity about Hell and the fate of the damned. He will reveal in all its starkness the horror of sin, and awaken in your heart a longing for divine love. A great poem with Catholic theology and deep spiritual vision A renowned professor will walk you through Dante's comedy Learn why Pope Benedict XV called Dante his "spiritual food" 8 Lectures (Approx. 30 minutes each) DVD Also available in CD

Golf Courses 2024 Desk Calendar

2024 Golf Courses Daily Box calendar features beautiful imagery of golf courses from around the world. Turner Boxed Daily Calendars also offer an advantage to those with limited desk space. Turner Photographic Daily Boxed Calendars are plastic-free and recyclable, printed on responsibly sourced FSC paper using soy ink.



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